Hello World!
Hello World! Auspicious Day today, any day is! I urge you all to welcome me on to cyber with this new address. Certainly express myself and make true friends and set a few fundamental things in order around me via this social media platform is what I seek. I stay in Delhi, India and seek friends and followers from everywhere. This Blogger shall be utilised to display almost all that I can muster every now and then for as long as I can. Other Social Media addresses shall be linked with this. Facebook is there already: Slender Frame On Facebook. Twitter is there too: Slender Frame On Twitter.It is my wish to travel across the country and populate the various fronts with stuff as it happens. I could be an intellectual, a loafer, a tourist, a problem solver, chhotaa motaa businessman, a photographer, and who knows what else. I can go on but let the acts, that happen organically, or impromptu, do the talking! :-) The other fronts on cyber shall be mentioned as they happen. It's Monday, April 14, 2014. Thank You.
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Go right ahead! Fill up with your light!