Sunday, May 18, 2014

Construction And Design Updates On Technical Aspects – Wanna Do

Hello everybody!
Afternoon shift in a KPO is sought in Delhi, Gurgaon, NOIDA by myself. The realm or domain is Construction, Design, Architecture. I'd like to be a part of technical research, analysis. Background is Architecture. Technical analysis is preferred but is not the only sought after profile, is not a deterrent.
Also, hourly basis in lieu of a fixed regimen is certainly an option. Example of who may contact or who may be interested: Architectural Firms looking for an Architect to do continuous analysis on vendors, contractors, fabricators, service providers including Consultants, their services and products and who (the Architect) can provide feedback and reports to facilitate knowledgeable, informed decisions on / about particular projects' service providers' selection. Nos. are in the image. Contact between 11:00 AM to 11:00 PM IST.

Example of kind of work: Assimilation or collection of updates of / on the R&D of various allied services providers and present them in a systematic format continuously and categorise everything sensibly. Thus, Newspapers, magazines, journals may please contact. Seriously. I'd love this. I am going to love this. I like to write, and I guess I have at least a little flair. You don't think so?
So KPO is not the only organisation kind. Private individuals, small firms may also contact.

Let's headbang, the gamut is wide. Another take or example: let's go to Uttarakhand, go figure how Bamboo is being used for reconstruction in the shelters.
Thanks. ...And since you are here...

This is not the whole hog and some tweets may be not related, but bear. At least you got a start. If you wish to be more accurate and comprehensive too, do contact. It can be done. In fact, a little bit of whatever I have mentioned above shall become apparent! Then I shall demonstrate some skills. You'll see what I mean.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Initial Hiccups - A Crashed Hard Disk

 Initial Hiccups - Technical Issues
Oh World! Around the 15th of April, certain drastic technical issues cropped up suddenly. My Hard Disk crashed. It had been giving problems for some time. Therefore, there was silence here on this Blogger. Hope things will resolve for the better soon enough. Pray! There is always hope. Oof! what a whammy, you can imagine. What a blow I mean. This is probably not the best of things to happen when I have JUST embarked on projecting myself on cyber. This crash happened almost soon after I had created this Blogger. Initial hiccups, but we shall take them in our stride. Surely things will normalise soon enough and then I can go about sharing whatever is happening around me.
In the meantime I have a 'second hand' Hard Disk installed (recycled, upcycled whatever). The HD original needs to be taken to Nehru Place for data recovery, I learn. And even then it is not confirmed that all data shall be restored.

And I learn that putting the Hard Disk in Freezer for a few hours wrapped in plastic and then immediately plugging it may work! You get a small window period where you can recover your data, copy it in a workable drive. Will this work?! Who is talking about crashed hard disks?
Hard Disk Crash - Twitter Tweets

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Facebook Cover Photo

The Facebook Cover Photo was added on April 10, 2014. It is below. Selection wise, I could have done better, but let whatever is be for the time being.
Facebook Cover Photo Boy Slender Frame
This is an Elevation of storage cabinets in series for a children play school. At the bottom one Unit is displayed. The alternatives are as regards colour. One Unit is supposed to be a mirror image of the preceding one or the proceeding one. And when kept in series, they display themselves as shown at the top. Two different Units are made that are mirror images of each other and placed next to each other. Interesting? Year is 2004.