Be Smart In These Parts Of Delhi Or Else Get Duped! Be Careful!
2014, April 20: Went to District Centre Janakpuri enquiring about rates of Hard Disk. ‘Shri Chand Computer’ person says the following >> ID Hard Disk, Seagate 160 GB for Rs. 1200, Seagate 80 GB for Rs. 900, SATA 160 GB for Rs. 1550, SATA 250 GB for Rs. 2000, 1 year warranty for all. Another vendor / shopkeeper says that these HD’s (1 year warranty which Shri Chand sells) are 2nd Hand and that their mention will not be found on the respective website (I learnt that the nos. of the Hard Disks are mentioned on some website). Shri Chand person later confirmed that yes, these are indeed used hard disks. Refurbished? In fact he had mentioned earlier that these Hard Disks are from an old lot which got delayed in shipping.Under whose patronage the crooks flourish?
Actually, whenever I visit the District Centre, for some strange reason, the buzz spreads, but in the wrong circles, in the crooked, twisted type people. So when I came back to this shop, his body language told me that he knows that I am making enquiries elsewhere. But this time around, they are playing safe (or at least trying to), and therefore the admission that yes indeed they are 2nd hand (later admission, mind it). So people, and this is by the way, understand that this ‘shipping delay’ is an old gimmick and tried and tested trick which is used lavishly and rampantly by the dishonest around these parts, the parts of West Delhi, and also elsewhere in Delhi. Therefore, I say Delhi is a good hunting ground for the dubious.
Everybody is trying to deceive you, and it is expected of you that you would also spar a bit, display some crooked tendency, and then you shall be the recipient of their brand of unholy ‘rishpect’ (respect). Else, get snares.
So this Shri Chand person says (earlier) that this consignment did not get sold by a dealer and now the shipment has been shipped elsewhere because they were not getting sold because they may be outdated (!) and that this is how that particular brand of HD’s have reached them. Now this is a lie. Notice that he himself had confirmed after half an hour that they are 2nd Hand. I had spoken about this Shri Chand with ‘someone’ over my ‘cell phone’ in this interim half an hour. Why did this Shri Chand person suddenly become sheepish. I will fucking figure out.. “someone”, .. “cell phone”,.. I will figure out.
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